If Real LIVE phone sex is what you want, then you're on the right page!
We've got affordable deals that have one thing in common:
You get to speak to a real person, LIVE, 1-on-1, about ANYTHING that's on your mind. Any KINK, any FETISH, any desire
We've got sexy amateurs, young adult women, horny MILF's, Shemales, Femdom Dominatrix, women, men, you name it... 100% guaranteed discreet.
By the way, don't be fooled by those 25¢/29¢ Phone Sex deals: They're not really phone sex! Here's the Truth about them!
One more thing. We've been in the phone sex industry for over two decades. We specialize in domination fantasie for phonesexdelight.com
Allow me to let you in to a lil secret. No one out there offers REAL, LIVE phone sex at 25¢/29¢ per minute!
Let this sink in for a second... I have been a provider of sex chat for over two decades and it is impossible to make a living in phone sex by charging around 25 cents per minute. Heck, the cost of running a toll free phone sex alone would barely cover this charge...
So what do you get when you call those 25c (or 29c) per min sex chat lines? RECORDINGS!
That's right, you get treated to an array of pre-recorded messages by professional phone sex operators who's sole aim is to upsale you to.... wait... phone sex at $2 per minute. Not so cheap after all is it!
No connection fees, no gimmick, no hidden charges
We will do anything and everything to make you are completely satisfied.
The cost for 15 minutes of sheer sexual pleasure is just $19.95.
That's just $1.33 per minute for REAL, LIVE, 1-on-1 phone sex.
This is our second phone sex number. Still Affordable (but slightly more expensive than our other number), it is ideal if you want to see who you're going to have phone sex with.